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PINPOINT Metal Detector Gate & Handheld Metal

Time:2018-01-06 Views:3665
PINPOINT Metal Detectors for Security at EXPO 2015 – Milan
The Universal Exposition EXPO 2015 was held in Milan (Italy) on May 1 - October 31, 2015.
For the Security of this event, Pinpoint supplied 41 Walk-Through Metal Detectors and 500 Hand-Held Metal Detectors. More than 20 million visitors were screened quickly and with the maximum security, reducing the queue area time.
Click here for a brief video on this very important event.
EXPO 2015 Security organization will remain a reference model in subject of crowd management.
For over 9 years, Pinpoint has provided high quality threat detection solutions for security and ground search applications such as walk-through and hand-held metal detectors, under vehicle inspection camera, x ray baggage scanner machine, food needle metal detector,and ground search metal detectors for military and humanitarian use. 
Pinpoint metal detectors are deployed at airports, distribution centers, federal buildings, sports facilities and military bases throughout the world.
Pinpoint is ISO 9001 Certified.
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